Welcome to Haloha Jewelry!
The word Ha literally means
“breath of life” in the Hawaiian
language. Inspired by the
translation, the word
H A L O H A is to remind us
to drink in the air and fuel our
bodies with the gift of life
through our breath. Breathing
in Aloha and sending Aloha
out is a beautiful way to live.
Aloha symbolizes love and affection. Take in 3 deep breaths now and slowly exhale and experience a relaxing and calming wave. It really is that easy.
Haloha jewelry was created to marry two of Dr. Anne's passions - enhancing health using the power of essential oils & the enjoyment of making and wearing replicas of nature’s beauty. Each piece of Haloha jewelry is lovingly handmade. The jewelry has a space to place your favorite essential oil on cotton so that you can inhale its scent throughout your day. The uniqueness of the Haloha jewelry makes it very special. The plumeria pendants are handmade in Hawaii by an intricate process. They are stunning in either sterling silver or 14k gold. A variety of sizes will match your style. They can be worn casually or will dress up any special occasion.
Escape and imagine walking carefree in the warm trade winds of Hawaii as you inhale the essence of Aloha.